Exciting News! Legendary World Champion Garry Kasparov to Attend the 2025 KCF All-Girls Nationals
We are thrilled to announce that legendary World Champion Garry Kasparov will be making a special appearance at the 20th Annual KCF All-Girls National Chess Championships.
As one of the greatest chess players of all time, Kasparov’s presence at this milestone event will be an unforgettable experience for all participants.
Please Note: There will be no book signing, meet and greet, or other open event for the public to meet Garry Kasparov. His appearance is part of the tournament activities.
The Kasparov Chess Foundation, Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation, and the United States Chess Federation are excited to invite girls from across the United States to compete in the nation’s largest and most prestigious all-girls chess tournament: the 20th Annual KCF All-Girls National Chess Championships.
This tournament is open to girls under 18 years old as of January 1, 2025. Participants will compete in the following categories: Under 8, Under 10, Under 12, Under 14, Under 16, and Under 18. The Champion in each age group will earn the honor of representing the USA at the World Cadet (U8, U10, U12) and World Youth (U14, U16, U18) Championships, in accordance with US Chess Scholastic National and International Invitation Events and Awards.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a celebrated tradition in girls’ chess!
SCHEDULE: April 4: 11 AM Bughouse, 2:30 PM Opening Ceremony, 3 PM Round 1, 7 PM Blitz April 5: 10 AM Round 2, 2:30 PM Round 3, 6:30 PM Round 4 April 6: 9 AM Round 5, 1 PM Round 6, 5 PM Awards
SECTIONS: (Age as of January 1, 2025)
Born in year
Under 8
2017 or later
Under 10
2015 or later
Under 12
2013 or later
Under 14
2011 or later
Under 16
2009 or later
Under 18
2007 or later
AWARDS: Under 8 top 16 individuals, top 500 – 799, top U500, top 6 schools Under 10 top 16 individuals, top 700 – 999, top U700, top 6 schools Under 12 top 16 individuals, top 900 – 1199, top U900, top 6 schools Under 14 top 16 individuals, top 1100 – 1399, top U1100, top 6 schools Under 16 top 8 individuals, Top 1300 – 1599, top U1300, top 3 schools Under 18 top 8 individuals, Top 1500 – 1799, top U1500, top 3 schools
Top 3 players added for team scores, team members must attend the same school
If your child or team wins an award, and you were unable to claim it at the tournament, you can contact our trophy maker Crown Trophy in Buffalo Grove, IL, via email at sales@crownbg.com starting Wednesday after the tournament to find out the cost to ship the trophy and to arrange payment.
The top 8 individual and team awards will be presented on stage. All other awards can be picked up at the Early Trophy Pickup Table, which will be located in the lobby of room W-190.
Players in all sections are required to disclose at the time of registration whether they have one or more ratings in other OTB rating system(s). Other OTB rating systems include, but are not limited to, FIDE, foreign systems, the Northwest Scholastic Rating System (NWSRS), and ChessXpress (CXR).
The Tournament Review Group (defined in the Scholastic Regulations) reviews every entry to this tournament, and makes decisions about whether to assign a rating based on alternate rating data found for a player. Players on the report may have been assigned ratings that are different from their US Chess regular rating in the rating supplement being used for the tournament. The most current version of the report is published here for transparency.
PLAYER ELIGIBILITY: The following players are eligible in accordance with the US Chess Federation’s Scholastic Regulation:
Full-time students who are enrolled in school (public, private, home, or virtual) in the United States or its territories for the entire semester in which the event is held. US Chess strongly encourages players, parents or coaches who have questions about eligibility to contact the US Chess Director of Events by email or phone at least three weeks before the tournament.
U.S. citizens who are attending school abroad.
Home-schooled and virtual-schooled students who live in the United States or are U.S. citizens living abroad.
BYES: A single half-point bye is available for any round, except the last round. The bye may be requested online by 11pm on the day before the tournament starts. On-site requests have a deadline for round 1 of 2-hours before the scheduled start time. For all later rounds the deadline is 2-hours before the scheduled start for Round 2. Thereafter, the only bye available is a zero-point bye, which is an option for any round and may be requested up to 2 hours before the start of the round for which the zero-point bye is requested.
Any bye, including a zero-point bye may not be revoked after Round 1 begins.
The Chief TD shall have the ability to grant a half-point bye for any round on unusual circumstances, except the last round.
REGULATIONS: Tournament Regulations and other polices can be found on the More info page
US Chess Membership is required for all Players. Use the below link to purchase/renew your US Chess Federation membership if needed before registering for the tournament
Blitz Tournament (G/3 +2) – 5 double rounds, one section. Fri. April 4, 7:00 PM Entry Fee: $45 by March 24, $60 after/onsite. Online registration will close at 2:00 pm on the day of the event. Onsite registration closes at 5:00 pm. Awards: Top 10 players
Bughouse Tournament (G/5,d0) – Number of rounds will be determine by the number of entries, one section. Fri. April 4 , 11:00 AM Entry Fee: $50 per team. Online registration will close at 9:00 AM on the day of the event. Onsite registration 9 – 10 am. Awards: Top 5 teams
The Hyatt Regency McCormick Place is located in the South Loop neighborhood in within walking distance of Soldier Field and Wintrust Arena. Connected to McCormick Place the hotel offers a modern place to meet and retreat near Michigan Avenue.
We have special rates of $189 (USD) plus tax. You must register by March 20, 2025 to take advantage this rate. Reserve early as space is limited.
TEAM ROOMS: We have a limited number of team rooms available. Team rooms can be reserved and paid for online or Email David Heiser at david.heiser@renaissanceknights.org to reserve a room and pay by check. Rooms will be available from Friday at 12 PM to Sunday at 5 PM
The KCF All-Girls National Championship will be utilizing the US Chess Scholastic Regulations. Any modification to US Chess Official Rules of Chess and/or the US Scholastic Regulations will be posted on this website.
The KCF All-Girls National Championships a safe and welcoming environment for all our players and attendees and is covered by the US Chess “Safe Play Policy”
If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable in interacting with anyone during this event, please report the problem to a tournament director or at Chess Control immediately (or ask your parent or coach to do so)
You can view Renaissance Knights’ full Safe Play Policy by clicking here.
Per the US Chess Scholastic Regulations, players must use the official notation sheets provided at the tournament to record the moves during their games. All sections except U8 are required to take notation.
To alleviate the perception of cheating by players who use a cell phone or other electronic device while inside or outside the playing hall, we will be following the US Chess National Scholastic Regulations on Electronic Devices utilizing the below variation.
Cell phones are required to be turned off and placed inside the storage box provided at the boards in place of being placed face up on the table. The cell phone shall remain inside the box until the completion of the player’s game.
A player who needs to make a call or text while their game is still being played shall notify a Tournament Director (TD). The player may retrieve their cell phone from the box only after being given permission and may use it only while under the supervision of a TD. Upon completion of the call or text, the phone shall be turned off and placed back in the storage box.
Spectators are not allowed in the playing area or within designated boundaries set by the organizer outside the tournament room(s).
A spectator is anyone that is not a designated member of the tournament staff and is not currently playing a tournament game (i.e. parent, coach, player whose game is finished).
The organizer, Floor Chief or Chief Tournament Director may grant exceptions to this rule on a case by case bases for select person(s). I.E. news media, photographer, special guests, etc.
This hotel does not provide shuttle service. There are many ways passengers can get to and from O’Hare & Midway Airports.
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